Meet Chrys!

Hi there! I’m Chrys, a 26 year old self taught visual artist living in Central Florida. I love plants, animals, and geometry, and most days I can be found creating images involving those loves. For years I have been drawing, singing, playing instruments, and just trying every creative outlet possible. Lately, I've been spending a lot of time working with linocuts, digital painting, and mixed media. Creativity has always been an important part of my life.

I love being able to transfer skills one from one art form to another and seeing just how connected different forms of art are. Seeing how rug making, tattooing, and printmaking are similar is something I learned from experience but never expected going in! Learning these transferrable skills encourages me to share my experiences while continuing to advance my knowledge. I hope you’re ready to learn along side me!

Together we'll try out many different visual art forms. Any chance to express ourselves creatively is a chance worth taking! If you have ideas for something you've been wanting to try to create, let me know and we can do it together!

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